Stopping Child Abuse Now and in the Future
General Fund
Twice a year, the directors of ITC review grant requests from local social and medical agencies whose missions match our own. Through a robust application review – and sometimes even in-person grant presentations from the social agencies – our directors thoroughly vet the financial stability, the management team and the impact of each program we fund.
Since 1998, ITC has awarded more than $2.2 million. While we typically award $10,000 per grant, the number of grants we award each year depends on our available funds. Our goal is put all available fund to work in the hands of qualifying social and medical agencies. Visit our Grants page to learn more about the organizations we’ve funded.
Endowment Fund
Started in 2019 thanks to a generous gift from a founding ITC board member, the ITC endowment fund helps ensure we can continue our work far into the future.
Our endowment is structured with a professionally managed and conservatively invested principal. Through donations dedicated to the endowment and a commitment from the board of directors to invest up to 10% of our annual fundraising proceeds, our goal is to reach a principal amount of $1 million. Once we reach our $1 million goal, we’ll use the interest generated from the principal to begin awarding grants.
To find out more, contact us at 513-533-1200 or info@insuringthechildren.org.