Maximizing Your Retirement Plan Assets
Considering your desire for charitable giving as part of your long-term financial plan, can help offset taxes in addition to having a lasting impact on an organization that you care passionately about. Talk to your tax advisor or financial planner, if you are interested in learning more about maximizing your retirement plan assets through a charitable donation.
There are many options for donating retirement plan assets:
Make the most cost‑effective gift you can make and save other less‑taxed assets for loved ones.
Eliminate all federal income taxes when you name ITC as the sole beneficiary. (Receive partial savings when you give ITC a specific amount before giving your family the remainder.)
Name ITC as the contingent beneficiary, allowing for greater flexibility.
For Those 72½ or Older
If you’re 72½ or older, you can use the IRA charitable rollover to make a tax-free gift to ITC. This allows you to transfer any amount, up to $100,000, directly to a qualified charitable organization without paying income tax on the distribution. Best yet, your gift will be put to use today, allowing you to see the difference you’re making for those we serve.
You pay no income taxes on the gift. The transfer doesn’t generate taxable income or a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.
Your gift can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution for the year through a Qualified Charitable Distribution.
If you would like more information, contact us, 513-533-1200 or info@insuringthechilldren.org.